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Books: Light of Egypt

Paracelsus, the most celebrated of the alchemists of the Middle

Ages, thus mystically speaks of his art:

"If I have manna in my constitution, I can attract manna from

heaven. Melissa is not only in the garden, but also in the air

and in heaven. Saturn is not only in the sky, but also deep in

the ocean and Earth. What is Venus but the artemisia that grows

in your garden, and what is iron but the planet Mar
? That is to

say, Venus and Artemisia are both products of the same essence,

while Mars and iron are manifestations of the same cause. What is

the human body but a constellation of the same powers that formed

the stars in the sky? He who knows Mars knows the qualities of

iron, and he who knows what iron is knows the attributes of Mars.

What would become of your heart if there were no Sun in the

Universe? What would be the use of your 'Vasa Spermatica'[*] if

there were no Venus? To grasp the invisible elements, to attract

them by their material correspondences, to control, purify, and

transmute, them by the ever-moving powers of the living

spirit--this is true Alchemy."

[*] Astral germs of subjective life forms:--it is the latent, "to


Thus, in a very few simple words, we find this master of the art

revealing the whole arcana of that mysterious science, which has

for its chief object and goal, the discovery of the

"philosopher's stone," which confers upon its fortunate possessor

the blessings of immortal youth. Therefore, we cannot possibly do

better in the commencement of our present study than, to minutely

examine each particular sentence and endeavor to discover his

true meaning, which, like all mystical writing, is so apparent,

yet cunningly concealed, as to excite the student's admiration.

"If I have manna in my constitution, I can attract manna from

Heaven." The manna here spoken of does not specify any particular

thing, but is of universal application, and is simply used as an

unknown quantity, like x, y, z in mathematics. But, ever since

the days of Paracelsus, half-initiated mystics and bookworm

occultists, have endeavored to discover what this manna really

was. Some, the more spiritual, were of the opinion that, it was

spiritual power, or purity of spirit; others imagined it to mean

special magnetic qualifications, similar in nature to the

so-called gifts of modern spiritualistic media. The concealment

of the truth is unique, and consists in its very simplicity; and,

when correctly expounded, should read: "I am the microcosm, and

all the visible and invisible universe dwells within me, so that

whatsoever power I have in my constitution, I can attract its

correspondence from Heaven." Paracelsus must have smiled to

himself when he wrote "If I have manna," etc., because his whole

writings strive to prove man the miniature of Deity. Further

along, he explains himself by pointing out the real Law of

Correspondence, thus: "Melissa is not only in the garden, but

also in the air, and in Heaven. Saturn is not only in the sky,

but also deep in the ocean, and Earth." The illustrations are

beautiful, The life of the plant, the "anima floralis," pervades

the atmosphere and the interior states of spiritual life, where

it becomes in the highest degree beautiful, and beneficial to the

soul. A reference upon this point to "The Light of Egypt" Vol.,

I, may not be considered out of place. Upon page 74 it is

written: "The flower that blooms in beauty, breathing forth to

the air its fragrance, which is at once grateful to the senses

and stimulating to the nerves, is a perfect specimen of Nature's

faultless mediumship. The flower is a medium for the transmission

to the human body of those finer essences, and of THEIR SPIRITUAL

PORTION TO THE SOUL; for the aroma of the flower is spiritualized

to such a degree as to act upon the life currents of the system,

imparting to the spiritual body a nutriment of the finest


Thus, here is where the knowledge of the alchemical attributes of

plants, as applicable to man, can be most beneficially utilized.

Plants and flowers, whose attributes and aromas harmonize with

the complex organism of man, should be selected for the house and

garden, for, they are mediums to transmit the finer essences and

aromas to the spiritual constitution of man; the plant to the

physical, and the aromas and essences of the flowers to the soul.

Antipathies in plants and flowers would bring a similar evil

influence, as the discords of the antagonistic human magnetism.

It would not be so apparent, but more subtle, yet nevertheless

effective in result.

Our attention is next drawn to the planet Saturn, which, we are

informed, is not only shining in his starry sphere of the

heavens, but is also buried in the ocean depths and embodied in

the stratas of the earth. It is almost needless to add that, our

author refers to those substances naturally Saturnine in their

quality of life and expression, such as lead, clay, and coal,

among the minerals, and various deadly plants among the flora,

the chief of which is the aconite or monkshood, so significant of

Saturn and the isolated, monkish hermit. After some repetition,

in order to impress the truth of correspondences, our author

exclaims: "What is the human body but a constellation of the same

powers that formed the stars in the sky?" Truly, what else? for,

"he who knows Mars knows the qualities of iron, and he who knows

what iron is knows the attributes of Mars." Could anything be

plainer? We think not.

From the foregoing, which a long experience and much critical

investigation and research have demonstrated as true, we cannot

avoid the conclusion that Alchemy, equally as well as every other

science, religion, or system of philosophy formulated by man,

resolves itself, ultimately, in all its final conclusions, into

the one universal parent of all wisdom.

ASTROLOGY, the Science of the Stars, in unison with the Science

of the Soul, was, and still is, the one sublime center of real

learning. It constituted the sacred fountain of living waters,

from whose placid depths there rayed forth the Divine revelations

of man, his whence, where, and whither; and under the careful

conservation of a long line of gifted seers, it shone forth to

the sons of men, as the sacred Hermetic light in the

Astro-Masonic wisdom of Egypt's ancient priesthood.

It is not lost to us to-day. The same book lies open before us

that faced our ancient forefathers. It is standing out clear and

distinct, waiting to be read by the sons of men. We can learn its

language, and from its pages, we ourselves can read our relation

to God and our fellowman. Shall we not heed the whispering

intuitions of the soul and place ourselves in conscious rapport

with the whole?

This sublime Book of Wisdom was written by God Himself, to convey

to His children the knowledge of His powers, attributes, and

relation to all creative life. We cannot see that Divine Spirit

which we call God. No; but as long as the finite form exists as

such, we will have the spirit's manifestations to learn from.

Never will the Book of God be closed to the searching eye of the

soul. There will always be presented to his vision lessons to

study, and practical experiments to perform, to lead the soul

into deeper mysteries. Until man fathoms his own universe, he

cannot understand God. "Know thyself" is as applicable to-day as

when the famous, immortal and mystic utterance was inscribed on

the porch of the temple at Delphi.

Before this wonderful, divinely elaborated, but complex system

can be fully realized, it is necessary that the student should

comprehend, very distinctly, the two states of existence, the

internal and the external, and become familiar with the laws of

correspondences. And it seems strange that of all Sciences, that

of medicine should have so completely failed to grasp this living

truth, since every atom of medicine administered, invariably acts

upon this alchemical principle. When the human organism has

become discordant in some of its parts, it is because the

interstellar vibrations have aroused various states within the

human kingdom into a condition of rebellion against the supreme

will. Man's ignorance favors such seditious movements, and his

general habits and code of morals stimulate them to undue

activity. The final result is disease--disorganization of the

parts and functions, and those medicines corresponding TO THE


disorder, when administered properly and IN TIME, whereas, if

given to the perfectly healthy organism, THE ATOMS PRODUCE


their mission to either subdue or be subdued, and when disease

prevails the medicinal atoms, acting in unison with the natural

parts and functions they affect, conquer or subdue the inharmony,

and vice versa, as before stated. In all cases of disease and

medicine, it is a simple question of A WAR BETWEEN THE ATOMS,

and, therefore, the most potential forces within Nature are

always at the command of the true Alchemist, because he knows bow

and when to select his fighting forces, and when to set them in

motion, for the best results.

Hahnemann, the founder of the Homeopathic system, has approached

THE NEAREST to this alchemical truth, and as a consequence, we

find it is in actual practice, the most natural, scientific, and

successful system of medicine, yet given to the world; based, as

it is, upon the well-known law of affinites, "Similia similibus

curantur," "like cures like," being a very ancient axiom in the

astrological practice of physic.

Bulwer Lytton, who had become thoroughly convinced of the great

value and importance of uniting ancient Alchemy with modern

medicine, makes the hero of his immortal story declare: "All that

we propose to do is this: To find out the secrets of the human

frame, to know why the parts ossify and the blood stagnates, and

to apply continual preventives to the effects of time. THIS IS


It is a fact that, the molecules of the body are all changed

within twelve months; that every cell in the human organism is

born and grows to maturity within that space of time. Nature is

absolutely impartial. She draws from the atmosphere that she may

reproduce a fac-simile of everything she finds upon the surface

of the body. So, if there be a sore, or festering ulcer, the

atoms which are thrown off attract similar atoms, so as to

reproduce the ulcer or sore, and thus prevent the disease from

getting well of itself until it has worn itself out.

Further, every vein and canal throughout the entire body, from

youth to maturity, is being coated with carbonate of lime, or

lime in some form. The coating of the walls of the veins in such

a manner, prevents the free circulation of the living matter;

then, the real vitality of the food which we eat, is simply

passed off through the pores, or through the bowels, or through

the system, because it is unable to penetrate through the lime.

If that prevention which produces old age can be attained, then

physical youth will continue.

The first step to take is to dissolve the lime in the body. Drink

nothing but distilled water, in either tea, coffee, or any other

form, and drink freely of the sweet juices of the grape and


The food that we eat contains lime in a living form, and it is

the living lime we need to build up the living bones, for the

lime and the magnesia that we take in the water is crystallized

dead mineral, possessing no responsibility of life, and the lime

in our food is quite sufficient for all purposes. For everything

we take in excess, Nature makes us pay the penalty.

The first principle of long living is to keep all channels of the

body perfect and free from coatings of lime.

The second is that of youthful ideals of the mind. The soul never

grows old.

The third principle is dynamic breathing, which is storing up the

oxygen in sufficient quantities, to supply the tissues with

sufficient fuel, for combustion.

These three principles, acting in unison, contain the true basis

of physical life and a means of long living. Old age is simply

the petrifaction of the body through lime, and the incorporating

of erroneous thoughts into the organism.

It is the true Alchemy of human existence, and the preventives,

in each and every case must contain the spiritual correspondence

to the cause they seek to remedy; and, though the followers of

Hahnemann base the whole of their procedure of treatment upon

their master's fundamental law of "Similia similibus curantur,"

yet, there may be a few rare cases wherein, this undeviating

method would not apply with the required effect. In such a case,

the Alchemist would resort to the well-known law of opposites,

and base his treatment upon the dogma of "Contraria contrariis

curantur," so long the pet theory of the Allopathic school. They

work upon the hypothesis that, like attracts like, and, if

disease exist, those elements must be administered to set up the

vibrations that will produce the polar opposite. If the body was

racked with pain, those medicines would not be given that would

create or increase similar conditions, but, their antipathy would

be introduced into the system or applied locally to extinguish

the foe.

So long as mankind remain within the semicrystallized state of

soul development, so as to require the aid of external forces to

support the human throne within its earthly temple, mercenary

troops will exist to supply these supposed supports.

Unquestionably, the astrological law is the true system of

medicine, which treats disease by sympathy or by antipathy,

according to the nature of the case, and the efficacy of the

remedies at hand. This method is the only natural one, and has

been thoroughly demonstrated by the numerous "provings of drugs"

under Hahnemann's law.

Happily, the time is not far distant when, the incarnated spirit

will be able to use its own slumbering forces, and subdue all

suffering and symptoms of disease in their very first inception,

by virtue of its purer life and the dynamic potencies of its own

interior, spiritual thought. Already, mental therapeutics is

taking an advanced position among liberal, progressive minds, and

nothing demonstrates so clearly and forcibly the grand,

alchemical law of life-growth and decay, as the imponderable,

invisible forces, which, constitute the materia medica, or

remedial agents, of mental, magnetic, and spiritual healing.

Perhaps the most recondite subject connected with the healing art

divine is, the modus operandi of medicinal action, upon the human

body. A subject so simple and self-evident to the Alchemist,

remains a profound mystery to the educated physician of the

medical college; so much so that, we are tempted to ask of them:

"Can you explain the modus operandi of drugs?" Dr. William Sharp,

one of the most advanced physicians of the Homeopathic school, in

one of his well- known "Essays on Medicine," says: "In respect to

the manner of action of drugs we are in total darkness, and we

are so blind that the darkness is not felt. KNOWLEDGE OF THIS

KIND CANNOT BE ATTAINED; it is labor lost and TIME wasted to go

in search of it. True, hypotheses may be easily conceived; so may

straws be gathered from the surface of the stream. But what are

either of them worth? There is this difference between

them--straws may amuse children, and hypotheses are sure to

mislead physicians."

It is when the Occult Initiate observes to what helpless

conditions the practice of medicine has fallen, that, he would,

if be could with any possibility of success, implore the angelic

guardian of the human race to open the spiritual sight of men,

that they might see, as he sees, the Divine relationship, and

spiritual correspondence, of everything in the wide universe to


Nature's laws move slowly and imperceptibly, yet surely and

exact, and the time will certainly come when man will be forced

into consciousness of these laws, whether he will or no. Nature

is no respecter of persons, and those who will not move and

progress, in harmony with her laws of advancement, must, of

necessity, pass out with the old.

Alchemy, as it relates to the healing art, is the most noble in

its object and beneficial in its effects, of all the many

subdivisions of the sciences, because, it alleviates the pains

and morbid afflictions of suffering humanity. We have given quite

sufficient of its astrological aspect in the second part of "The

Light of Egypt," Vol. I, wherein the four ancient elements are

translated into their chemical correspondences of oxygen,

hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon, which still constitute the four

primary elements of the most advanced chemistry to-day. They

enter more or less into every organic form and substance, which

is known, in various combinations and proportions. The human

organism is principally composed of them; so, likewise, is the

food that supports physical life, and the air we breathe is but

modifications of the same atoms.

As man's constitution embraces a microscopic atom of all the

essences and elements, corresponding to the whole; so does the

air; and much, that we depend upon our food to supply, can be

extracted from the atmosphere by breathing. Every breath we

breathe is new life, or death.

Herein is the secret of success or failure, in certain

localities, and under certain conditions. If we have iron within

us, could we extract or attract iron from Saturn's district? Or,

if the element within us could attract gold, could we obtain it

from the coal fields?

Therefore, it is only natural that the medical remedies we employ

to restore the organism, when afflicted with disease, should

group themselves into similar correspondences, and so, in a

general sense, we find them; for we note that the brain, the

circulation, the lungs, and the stomach, are the four chief

citadels of the body; the heart, of course, representing the

center of circulation. And this also explains, further, if that

were necessary, why the principal remedies of the homeopathic

system are so speedy and direct in their action. The four

principal drugs, which stand as representatives of their class,

are aconite, belladonna, phosphorus, and pulsatilla. These

represent the quadrant, for light is not more nicely adjusted to

the eye, nor sound to the ear, than aconite to the circulation,

belladonna to the brain, phosphorus to the lungs, and pulsatilla

to the stomach; while ramifying in the seven directions indicated

by the seven primary planets, we find stimulants, tonics,

narcotics, nervines, alteratives, cathartics and diuretics, as

the natural material correspondences thereof.

That we assign phosphorus to the lungs may appear startling to

the orthodox student, especially when, he calls to mind the fact

that phosphorus has long been recognized in medical science as a

brain food and medicine. Anticipating such mental questions, we

reply that in medicine, from the alchemical view, we are

occupying a wholly different standpoint; i.e., the power of

controlling the functional action of the body, in this view of

the case, and the fact that, the lungs and the brain are in the

most perfect affinity, there will remain no mystery upon the


The Alchemy of stones and gems attracts our next attention.

Affinites and antipathies to the human constitution, are to be

found in these crystallized representatives of the subtle,

invisible influences emanating from our planetary system. They

are the mediums for the transmission of corresponding attributes

and influences of existing powers and potencies, and if carried

or worn upon the person, they will bring the person in direct

rapport with the invisible forces within the universal system.

Here again Hahnemann's scientific philosophy would prove

effectual, that "Similia similibus curantur." Would the fiery

influence of a topaz attract much from the realms of a

chrysolite? Or, the crystallized, airy forces of a sapphire be a

suitable medium for the earthly forces of a jasper?

Gems and stones are dead or living realities. They live, slumber

and die, and have their potent existence as do the organic forms

of matter. They are, usually, imbued with the vivifying spark of

Divinity, and shine forth and exert their influence through the

magical powers attracted to them from the forces of Nature. A

real, living entity abides within them that can be seen by the

clairvoyant vision, and to the trained student in Occult lore,

this entity can be made to become an obedient servant, giving

warning of the approach of danger, impressions of men and things,

and warding off discordant influences surrounding us; or that,

which we may contact from the magnetic and personal environments

in our relations in the social world; or that which may be

projected to us from the invisible realms of life.

Think you the pryamids would be intact to-day, if the stones from

which they were built had been promiscuously selected? They were

chosen by Adepts in the knowledge of the Laws of Correspondence

and antipathy and affinity. The sphinx also stand as monuments to

the heights of wisdom that man can attain.

Metals also can be followed out on the same lines as the gems and


Much as we would like to continue, we are compelled to bring this

discourse to a close, even though in doing so we must of

necessity omit much of vital interest to the student. We will,

therefore, only add that the seven basic metals stand as the

crystallized representatives of their respective groups: Gold for

the Sun, Silver for the Moon, Tin for Jupiter, Copper for Venus,

Quicksilver for Mercury and Lead for Saturn. Each finds it own

sphere of action within the temporary abiding place of the human

soul on earth--the physical body. So, likewise, the twelve

constellations and their corresponding talismanic gems,

representing in their glittering array the anatomical Zodiac of

the human frame, and typifying the spiritual quality of the

atoms, there congregated, in every degree of life. These, and a

thousand other mysteries, had we the time, might be unfolded to

the student's view with considerable advantage, but we are

compelled to refrain. The philosopher's stone is near at hand.

Seek it not in remote spheres or distant parts of the earth, for

it is ever around you and within, and becomes the golden key of

true wisdom, which prepares the soul for its higher life and

brighter destiny. It is the still, small voice of the awakened

soul, that purges the conscience from suffering, and the

spiritual body from earthy dross. It is that, which treasures not

the corrupting, delusive wealth of Earth, nor the transient

powers of mammon, but garners the fruits which spring from the

pure life, and treasures the jewels of heaven. Vainly will you

seek for this stone of the wise philosopher amid the turmoils,

sufferings, and selfishness of life, unless you accept your

mission upon earth as a duty, delegated to the soul, from Heaven.

Eschew the evil thereof, and hold fast that which is good. To do

this, means to expand with the inward truth and become one of the

"pure in heart," in which blessed state, the magical white stone,

conveying A NEW NAME, reveals the living angel within, to the

outward man. Then, and then alone, doth he know the Adonai.

Such are the Divine, spiritual principles upon which the higher

Alchemy of life is based. They seek only to establish a Divine,

conscious at-one-ment between the angel, the man, and the

universe, and to this end, we conclude with the words of the

immortal Paracelsus:

"To grasp these invisible elements, to attract them by their

material correspondences, to control, purify, and transmute them

by the ever-moving powers of the living spirit, THIS IS TRUE


