Chapter I - The Twin-Verses
Mastery of Self
Fear of hurt of self by self (fear of self): substitute reason,
thus--just estimate; no cause; cause magnified
Fear of hurt of self by outer things (fear for self): substitute
reason, thus--just estimate; no cause; cause magnified
Fear of threat by things: substitute reason, thus--right cause; no
cause; cause magnified
Threat by others: substitute reason, thus
-right cause; no cause;
cause magnified
Threat to others: substitute reason, thus--right cause; no cause;
cause magnified
Threat by events: substitute reason, thus--right cause; no cause;
cause magnified
Threat by the future: substitute reason, thus--right cause; no
cause; cause magnified
You are invited to work out the particulars of this analysis, and
to examine them with reference to your self and life You will
make some important discoveries One of the many questions
suggested is this: Is the cause of anticipated possible
consequences justly estimated in your thought--is it a right
cause--is it really as you suppose? The idea is that you think of
any one of your fears and then ask the question in the form just
indicated Thus we may have the following statement of