Contracts And Outrages
Sacred Books Of The East
"He that does not restore a loan to the man who lent it, steals the
thing and robs the man. This he doeth every day, every night, as long as
he keep in his house his neighbor's property, as though it were his
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! How many in number are thy
contracts, O Ahura Mazda?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"They are six in number, O ho
y Zarathustra. The first is the
word-contract; the second is the hand-contract; the third is the
contract to the amount of a sheep; the fourth is the contract to the
amount of an ox; the fifth is the contract to the amount of a man; the
sixth is the contract to the amount of a field, a field in good land, a
fruitful one, in good bearing. The word-contract is fulfilled by words
of mouth. It is cancelled by the hand-contract; he shall give as damages
the amount of the hand-contract. The hand-contract is cancelled by the
sheep-contract; he shall give as damages the amount of the
sheep-contract. The sheep-contract is cancelled by the ox-contract; he
shall give as damages the amount of the ox-contract. The ox-contract is
cancelled by the man-contract; he shall give as damages the amount of
the man-contract. The man-contract is cancelled by the field-contract;
he shall give as damages the amount of the field-contract."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
word-contract, how many are involved in his sin?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"His sin makes his Nabanazdistas answerable for three hundred years."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
hand-contract, how many are involved in his sin?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"His sin makes his Nabanazdistas answerable for six hundred years."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
sheep-contract, how many are involved in his sin?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"His sin makes his Nabanazdistas answerable for seven hundred years."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
ox-contract, how many are involved in his sin?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"His sin makes his Nabanazdistas answerable for eight hundred years."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
man-contract, how many are involved in his sin?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"His sin makes his Nabanazdistas answerable for nine hundred years."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
field-contract, how many are involved in his sin?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"His sin makes his Nabanazdistas answerable for a thousand years."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
word-contract, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Three hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, three hundred stripes with
the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
hand-contract, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Six hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, six hundred stripes with the
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
sheep-contract, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Seven hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, seven hundred stripes with
the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
ox-contract, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Eight hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, eight hundred stripes with
the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
man-contract, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Nine hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, nine hundred stripes with
the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man break the
field-contract, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"A thousand stripes with the Aspahe-astra, a thousand stripes with the
If a man rise up with a weapon in his hand, it is an Agerepta. If he
brandish it, it is an Avaoirista. If he actually smite a man with
malicious aforethought, it is an Aredus. Upon the fifth Aredus he
becomes a Peshotanu.
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! He that committeth an
Agerepta, what penalty shall he pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Five stripes with the Aspahe-astra, five stripes with the
Sraosho-karana; on the second Agerepta, ten stripes with the
Aspahe-astra, ten stripes with the Sraosho-karana; on the third, fifteen
stripes with the Aspahe-astra, fifteen stripes with the Sraosho-karana;
on the fourth, thirty stripes with the Aspahe-astra, thirty stripes with
the Sraosho-karana; on the fifth, fifty stripes with the Aspahe-astra,
fifty stripes with the Sraosho-karana; on the sixth, sixty stripes with
the Aspahe-astra, sixty stripes with the Sraosho-karana; on the seventh,
ninety stripes with the Aspahe-astra, ninety stripes with the
If a man commit an Agerepta for the eighth time, without having atoned
for the preceding, what penalty shall he pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
If a man commit an Agerepta, and refuse to atone for it, what penalty
shall he pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man commit an
Avaoirista, what penalty shall he pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Ten stripes with the Aspahe-astra, ten stripes with the Sraosho-karana;
on the second Avaoirista, fifteen stripes with the Aspahe-astra, fifteen
stripes with the Sraosho-karana; on the third, thirty stripes with the
Aspahe-astra, thirty stripes with the Sraosho-karana; on the fourth,
fifty stripes with the Aspahe-astra, fifty stripes with the
Sraosho-karana; on the fifth, seventy stripes with the Aspahe-astra,
seventy stripes with the Sraosho-karana; on the sixth, ninety stripes
with the Aspahe-astra, ninety stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man commit an
Avaoirista for the seventh time, without having atoned for the
preceding, what penalty shall he pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man commit an
Avaoirista, and refuse to atone for it, what penalty shall he pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man commit an Aredus,
what penalty shall he pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Fifteen stripes with the Aspahe-astra, fifteen stripes with the
"On the second Aredus, thirty stripes with the Aspahe-astra, thirty
stripes with the Sraosho-karana; on the third, fifty stripes with the
Aspahe-astra, fifty stripes with the Sraosho-karana; on the fourth,
seventy stripes with the Aspahe-astra, seventy stripes with the
Sraosho-karana; on the fifth, ninety stripes with the Aspahe-astra,
ninety stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man commit an Aredus
for the sixth time, without having atoned for the preceding, what
penalty shall he pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man commit an Aredus,
and refuse to atone for it, what penalty shall he pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man smite another and
hurt him sorely, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Thirty stripes with the Aspahe-astra, thirty stripes with the
Sraosho-karana; the second time, fifty stripes with the Aspahe-astra,
fifty stripes with the Sraosho-karana; the third time, seventy stripes
with the Aspahe-astra, seventy stripes with the Sraosho-karana; the
fourth time, ninety stripes with the Aspahe-astra, ninety stripes with
the Sraosho-karana."
If a man commit that deed for the fifth time, without having atoned for
the preceding, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
If a man commit that deed and refuse to atone for it, what is the
penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man smite another so
that the blood come, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Fifty stripes with the Aspahe-astra, fifty stripes with the
Sraosho-karana; the second time, seventy stripes with the Aspahe-astra,
seventy stripes with the Sraosho-karana; the third time, ninety stripes
with the Aspahe-astra, ninety stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
If he commit that deed for the fourth time, without having atoned for
the preceding, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man smite another so
that the blood come, and if he refuse to atone for it, what is the
penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man smite another so
that he break a bone, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Seventy stripes with the Aspahe-astra, seventy stripes with the
Sraosho-karana; the second time, ninety stripes with the Aspahe-astra,
ninety stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
If he commit that deed for the third time, without having atoned for the
preceding, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man smite another so
that he break a bone, and if he refuse to atone for it, what is the
penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man smite another so
that he give up the ghost, what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Ninety stripes with the Aspahe-astra, ninety stripes with the
If he commit that deed again, without having atoned for the preceding,
what is the penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a man smite another so
that he give up the ghost, and if he refuse to atone for it, what is the
penalty that he shall pay?
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"He is a Peshotanu: two hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, two
hundred stripes with the Sraosho-karana.
"And they shall thenceforth in their doings walk after the way of
holiness, after the word of holiness, after the ordinance of holiness.
"If men of the same faith, either friends or brothers, come to an
agreement together, that one may obtain from the other either goods, or
a wife, or knowledge, let him who desires goods have them delivered to
him; let him who desires a wife receive and wed her; let him who desires
knowledge be taught the holy word, during the first part of the day and
the last, during the first part of the night and the last, that his mind
may be increased in intelligence and wax strong in holiness. So shall he
sit up, in devotion and prayers, that he may be increased in
intelligence: he shall rest during the middle part of the day, during
the middle part of the night, and thus shall he continue until he can
say all the words which former Aethra-paitis have said.
"Before the boiling water publicly prepared, O Spitama Zarathustra! let
no one make bold to deny having received from his neighbor the ox or the
garment in his possession.
"Verily I say it unto thee, O Spitama Zarathustra! the man who has a
wife is far above him who lives in continence; he who keeps a house is
far above him who has none; he who has children is far above the
childless man; he who has riches is far above him who has none. And of
two men, he who fills himself with meat receives in him Vohu Mano much
better than he who does not do so; the latter is all but dead; the
former is above him by the worth of an Asperena, by the worth of a
sheep, by the worth of an ox, by the worth of a man. This man can strive
against the onsets of Asto-vidhotu; he can strive against the
well-darted arrow; he can strive against the winter fiend, with thinnest
garment on; he can strive against the wicked tyrant and smite him on the
head; he can strive against the ungodly fasting Ashemaogha.
"On the very first time when that deed has been done, without waiting
until it is done again, down there the pain for that deed shall be as
hard as any in this world: even as if one should cut off the limbs from
his perishable body with knives of brass, or still worse; down there the
pain for that deed shall be as hard as any in this world: even as if one
should nail his perishable body with nails of brass, or still worse;
down there the pain for that deed shall be as hard as any in this world:
even as if one should by force throw his perishable body headlong down a
precipice a hundred times the height of a man, or still worse; down
there the pain for that deed shall be as hard as any in this world: even
as if one should by force impale his perishable body, or still worse;
down there the pain for this deed shall be as hard as any in this world:
to-wit, the deed of a man, who, knowingly lying, confronts the
brimstoned, golden, truth-knowing water with an appeal unto Rashnu and a
lie unto Mithra."
O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! He who, knowingly lying,
confronts the brimstoned, golden, truth-knowing water with an appeal
unto Rashnu and a lie unto Mithra, what is the penalty that he shall
Ahura Mazda answered:--
"Seven hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, seven hundred stripes with
the Sraosho-karana."