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Confucius Sayings
Buddha Gospel
In the Way of Heaven, there is no partiality of
In the Way of Heaven, there is no partiality of love; it is always
on the side of the good man
In the highest antiquity, (the people) did not know that
In this way the effect will be seen in the
If you see an intelligent man who tells you where
If you see an intelligent man who tells you where true treasures are to be found, who shows what is to be avoided, and administers reproofs, follow that wise man; it will be better, not worse, for those who follow him ...
If, like a shattered metal plate (gong), thou utter not,
If, like a shattered metal plate (gong), thou utter not, then thou hast reached Nirvana; contention is not known to thee ...
If, whether for his own sake, or for the sake
If, whether for his own sake, or for the sake of others, a man wishes neither for a son, nor for wealth, nor for lordship, and if he does not wish for his own success by unfair means, then he is good, wise, and virtuous ...
Let us finally understand In applied magnetism, you simply harmonize the etheric states of others with those of yourself, and convey to them through the ethereal medium the purpose of your will The FIRST condition of success here is agreeableness...
FIRST LAW: Relation of Power to "Tone" The effectiveness of magnetism in action depends upon harmony of "tone" between its possessor and any other person, and in securing such "tone"- harmony, on any magnetic plane, in any particular psychic stat...
We are now ready for the great assumption-principle of magnetism in applied life: ...
Thou art now like a sear leaf, the messengers of death (Yama) have come near to thee; thou standest at the door of thy departure, and thou hast no provision for thy journey. Make thyself an island, work hard, be wise! When thy impurities are bl...
In a hamlet or in a forest, in the deep
In a hamlet or in a forest, in the deep water or on the dry land, wherever venerable persons (Arhanta) dwell, that place is delightful ...
In like manner his good works receive him who has
In like manner his good works receive him who has done good, and has gone from this world to the other;--as kinsmen receive a friend on his return Anger ...
In loving the people and ruling the state, cannot he
In loving the people and ruling the state, cannot he proceed without any (purpose of) action? In the opening and shutting of his gates of heaven, cannot he do so as a female bird? While his intelligence reaches in every direction, cannot he (appear t...
In the body restraint is good, good is restraint in
In the body restraint is good, good is restraint in speech, in thought restraint is good, good is restraint in all things A Bhikshu, restrained in all things, is freed from all pain ...
In the highest antiquity, (the people) did not know that
In the highest antiquity, (the people) did not know that there were (their rulers) In the next age they loved them and praised them In the next they feared them; in the next they despised them Thus it was that when faith (in the Tao) was deficient (...
In the Way of Heaven, there is no partiality of
In the Way of Heaven, there is no partiality of love; it is always on the side of the good man ...
In this way the effect will be seen in the
In this way the effect will be seen in the person, by the observation of different cases; in the family; in the neighbourhood; in the state; and in the kingdom ...
In this way though he has his place above them,
In this way though he has his place above them, men do not feel his weight, nor though he has his place before them, do they feel it an injury to them ...
Physical Health--[Physical Magnetism + Psychic Magnetism + Moral Health] Physical Health + Physical Magnetism--[Psychic Magnetism + Moral Health] Physical Health + Physical Magnetism + Psychic Magnetism-- [Moral Health] Ph...
Indra And Agastya: A Dialogue
Indra: There is no such thing to-day, nor will it be so to-morrow. Who knows what strange thing this is? We must consult the thought of another, for even what we once knew seems to vanish. Agastya: Why dost thou wish to kill us, O Indra? the Mar...
The first duty of man is practical sanity AVOID mere OCCULTISM It is possible that you have now discovered in yourself certain occult talents, such as telepathy, hypnotism, mediumship, clairaudience, clairvoyance, psychometry, ...
The study of religion, like the study of poetry, brings us face to face with the fundamental principles of human nature. Religion, whether it be natural religion or that which is formulated in a book, is as universal as poetry, and like poetry, ex...
The Vedic Hymns are among the most interesting portions of Hindoo literature. In form and spirit they resemble both the poems of the Hebrew psalter and the lyrics of Pindar. They deal with the most elemental religious conceptions and are full of t...
The "Dhammapada," or "Path to Virtue," is one of the most practical ethical hand-books of Buddhism. It is included in the canon of Buddhistic Scriptures, and is one of the Eastern books which can be read with delight to-day by those who are classe...
The "Upanishads" are reckoned to be from a hundred and fifty to a hundred and seventy in number. The date of the earliest of them is about B.C. 600; that is an age anterior to the rise of Buddha. They consist of various disquisitions on the nature...
The importance of the "Koran" lies in the fact that it is a religious book of the East, read and stored in the memory of a hundred millions of people of different races and civilizations, inhabiting countries extending from the western borders of ...
Buddha is undoubtedly the most potent name as a religious teacher, in the whole of Asia. The propaganda of the Buddhistic faith passed from the valley of the Indus to the valley of the Ganges, and from Ceylon to the Himalayas; thence it traversed ...