Words Of Instruction
The bhikkhus came to the Blessed One, and having saluted him with
clasped hands they said:
"O Master, thou all-seeing one, we all wish to learn; our ears
are ready to hear, thou art our teacher, thou art incomparable.
Cut off our doubt, inform us of the blessed Dharma, O thou of
great understanding; speak in the midst of us, O thou who art
all-seeing, as is the th
usand-eyed Lord of the gods.
"We will ask the muni of great understanding, who has crossed the
stream, gone to the other shore, is blessed and of a firm mind:
How does a bhikkhu wander rightly in the world, after having gone
out from his house and driven away desire?"
The Buddha said:
"Let the bhikkhu subdue his passion for human and celestial
pleasures, then, having conquered existence, he will command the
Dharma. Such a one will wander rightly in the world.
"He whose lusts have been destroyed, who is free from pride, who
has overcome all the ways of passion, is subdued, perfectly
happy, and of a firm mind. Such a one will wander rightly in the
"Faithful is he who is possessed of knowledge, seeing the way
that leads to Nirvana; he who is not a partisan; he who is pure
and virtuous, and has removed the veil from his eyes. Such a one
will wander rightly in the world."
Said the bhikkhus: "Certainly, O Bhagavat, it is so: whichever
bhikkhu lives in this way, subdued and having overcome all bonds,
such a one will wander rightly in the world."
The Blessed One said:
"Whatever is to be done by him who aspires to attain the
tranquillity of Nirvana let him be able and upright,
conscientious and gentle, and not proud.
"Let a man's pleasure be the Dharma, let him delight in the
Dharma, let him stand fast in the Dharma, let him know how to
inquire into the Dharma, let him not raise any dispute that
pollutes the Dharma, and let him spend his time in pondering on
the well-spoken truths of the Dharma.
"A treasure that is laid up in a deep pit profits nothing and may
easily be lost. The real treasure that is laid up through charity
and piety, temperance, self-control, or deeds of merit, is hid
secure and cannot pass away. It is never gained by despoiling or
wronging others, and no thief can steal it. A man, when he dies,
must leave the fleeting wealth of the world, but this treasure of
virtuous acts he takes with him. Let the wise do good deeds; they
are a treasure that can never be lost."
And the bhikkhus praised the wisdom of the Tathagata:
"Thou hast passed beyond pain; thou art holy, O Enlightened One,
we consider thee one that has destroyed his passions. Thou art
glorious, thoughtful, and of great understanding. O thou who
puttest an end to pain, thou hast carried us across our doubt.
"Because thou sawst our longing and carriedst us across our
doubt, adoration be to thee, O muni, who hast attained the
highest good in the ways of wisdom.
"The doubt we had before, thou hast cleared away, O thou
clearly-seeing one; surely thou art a great thinker, perfectly
enlightened, there is no obstacle for thee.
"And all thy troubles are scattered and cut off; thou art calm,
subdued, firm, truthful.
"Adoration be to thee, O noble sage, adoration be to thee, O thou
best of beings; in the world of men and gods there is none equal
to thee.
"Thou art the Buddha, thou art the Master, thou art the muni that
conquers Mara; after having cut off desire thou hast crossed over
and carriest this generation to the other shore."