Chapter I - The Twin-Verses
Mastery of Self
The INTELLECT coldly reflects What Is:
An icy, crystalline lake portraying earth and sky
In shadows beautiful as death--
And void of pulse, or warmth, or music of good life
This is no Eye with which to view the world!
The SOUL reflects the universe
With ECSTASIES of heat, of hue, of harmony!
Its INNER gaze creating Life in Fact,
So, robing sheer Reality in color
Giving it Voice, forming within it Heart,
And vitalizing All with Feeling--Being's blood
This is our Eye, viewing the world it builds
Fear blurs that Eye, while Reason clears:
Pure mind lacks Passion adding values to existence;
(Who loves mere ghost--flowers born of moonlight?)
Pure Feeling lacks in REASON, needing values,
And, lacking so, fills Eye of Soul with fantasies,
With wild distortions of imagination's lust
(Who loves the fire--hued, smoke blooms of Hell's Land?)
And always Fear feeds Feeling's grotesque growths
Till Soul's Eye on its own creation looks
As on eternal Truth
Then Truth and Nature, Deity and Man
Evolve dread enmity and horrors multiple,
And Soul flees terror-stricken on to Death
Oh, I will rule heart's Feeling for good Life,
Given Soul's Mind for this--naught else:
That Reason may re--think the Beautiful and Happiness
And see eternal Truth and Truth-Fact as my lovers--
Veracious Guardian Angels guiding all my way--
Cooperative, like the brain and heart of body,
To lead my soul on Courage (not on Death)
And make me worth the skill
Of the illimitable years--a Mind--Man, whole!