1. The Master said, He that rules by mind is like the north star, steady in his seat, whilst the stars all bend to him. 2. The Master said, The three hundred poems are summed up in the one line, Think no evil. 3. The Master said, Guide the pe
1. The Master said, To learn and then do, is not that a pleasure? When friends come from afar do we not rejoice? To live unknown and not fret, is not that to be a gentleman? 2. Yu-tzu said. Few men that are good sons and good brothers are fond
To the ordinary astrologer the Zodiac is simply a band of space, eighteen degrees wide, in the heavens, the center of which marks out the pathway of the Sun during the space of one year of 365 days, etc. The twelve signs are to him simply thi
The twelve great constellations of the zodiacal belt which forms the Earth's orbit and the Sun's shining pathway around the celestial universe have been considered as mere imaginary figures, or emblems, invented by an early, primitive people to dis
As a sequel to the foregoing subjects, viz., the Zodiac and constellations, we will add the spiritual interpretation of the twelve houses of an horoscope, which completes the triune expression of these celestial symbols of eternal truths. In reve
There is one species of Divine revelation which has not, and cannot, be tampered with, one great Bible, which forms the starry original of all Bibles. This sacred Bible is the great Astral Bible of the skies; its chapters are the twelve great sig
Words are the symbols of ideas, and bear the same correspondence to the physical brain as matter does to spirit, a medium of expression, and are subject to continual change in their application and meaning, in exact proportion to the changing menta
1. Among his own country folk Confucius wore a homely look, like one that has no word to say. In the ancestral temple and at court his speech was full, but cautious. 2. At court he talked frankly to men of low rank, winningly to men of high
1. Hsien asked, What is shame? The Master said, To draw pay when the land keeps the Way and to draw pay when it has lost the Way, is shame. 2. To eschew strife and bragging, spite and greed, would that be love? The Master said, That may be
1. Ling, Duke of Wei, asked Confucius about the line of battle. Confucius answered. Of the ritual of dish and platter I have heard somewhat: I have not learnt warfare. He left the next day. In Ch'en grain ran out. His followers were too ill
1. Of Kung-yeh Ch'ang the Master said, A girl might be wedded to him. Though he has been in fetters that was not his crime. He gave him his daughter to wed. Of Nan Jung the Master said, When the land keeps the Way he will not be neglected; an
1. Of the Chi having eight rows of dancers in his courtyard, Confucius said, If this is to be borne, what is not to be borne? 2. When the sacrifice was ended, the Three Clans had the Yung hymn sung. The Master said, Princes and duk
Having sent out his disciples, the Blessed One himself wandered from place to place until he reached Uruvela. On his way he sat down in a grove to rest, and it happened that in that same grove there was a party of thirty fri
And there was an officer among the retinue of Simha who had heard of the discourses of the Blessed One, and there was some doubt left in his heart. This man came to the Blessed One and said: "It is
Then the Blessed One proceeded with a great number of brethren to Vesali, and he stayed at the grove of the courtesan Ambapali. And he said to the brethren: "Let a brother, O bhikkhus, be mindful and thoughtful. Let a brother, whilst in the world,
One of the disciples came to the Blessed One with a trembling heart and his mind full of doubt. And he asked the Blessed One: "O Buddha, our Lord and Master, why do we give up the pleasures of the world, if thou forbiddest us to work miracles and
At this time there was Anathapindika, a man of unmeasured wealth, visiting Rajagaha. Being of a charitable disposition, he was called "the supporter of orphans and the friend of the poor." Hearing that the Buddha had come into the world and