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Books: Light of Egypt


No explanation is thought necessary, further than to corroborate

the author in all he has said in his somewhat unusual preface.

We have enjoyed, immensely, our work of giving to the world this

remarkable series of books on Occultism, and appreciate the large

patronage they have received from the reading public, for which

we return our sincere thanks. We hope the near futu
e will give

us the work referred to by the author in his preface, as

doubtless it will be a great revelation of Occult laws that

govern our little Earth in its relation to our Sun and solar

system, of which it forms a part, and give much light on those

subjects that have been shrouded in mystery.

"The Light of Egypt" will be found to be an Occult library in

itself, a textbook of esoteric knowledge, setting forth the

"wisdom Religion" of life, as taught by the Adepts of Hermetic

Philosophy. It will richly repay all who are seeking the higher

life to carefully study this book, as it contains in a nutshell

the wisdom of the ages regarding man and his destiny, here and

hereafter. The London and American first edition, also the French

edition, Vol. I, met with lively criticism from Blavatsky

Theosophists, because it annihilates that agreeable delusion of

"Karma" and "Reincarnation" from the minds of all lovers of truth

for truth's sake.

"The Tablets of Aeth" is a great and mighty work, as it contains

the very quintessence of Occult and Hermetic philosophy, as

revealed by spiritual law. "Penetralia" is a new revelation, and

invaluable to Occult students, as it is the personal experience

of a developed soul.

To all lovers of Truth we respectfully recommend this Book of

Books, as it has justly been called by many who are competent to

criticise its teachings. It was the author's wish that his name

be withheld from the public, knowing full well that the teachings

contained in his works will prove his motto: "Omnia Vincit


Now that our author has passed beyond the power of the world to

flatter or condemn, and has given his thought for the uplifting

of the human family, it is but simple justice that he be made

known to the world as its teacher of a higher thought than has

preceded him. He shrank from public notoriety, and modestly

refused to be publicly known to the world as one of its spiritual

leaders for the cycle upon which the Earth and its inhabitants

have entered, but the time has come to announce publicly the

authorship of the works published anonymously under the symbol of

{}, and his writings are to be judged by their merits, and not by

prejudice nor personal bias as viewed from the human plane of


He moved in the world, comparatively unknown to the world at

large, and his greatest friends, though mystified, did not

understand his true worth in spiritual greatness. The mask, or

person, often hides from view the angel in disguise. Therefore

our author must be judged by what he has written, and not by his

personators and calumniators. The true student of Occultism

always judges the tree by its fruits. If the writings of our

author are judged by this standard, they will stand as a beacon

light to higher rounds than ours.


These lessons were issued to a few of my pupils as "Private

Studies in Occultism," several years ago. The time has now come

to give them to the world as a companion to the first volume of

"The Light of Egypt."

It is the duty of Occult students to familiarize themselves with

the subjects herein discussed. They should know the ideas of our

ancestors regarding them and be familiar with their thought, in

order to appreciate the sublime wisdom and knowledge of Nature as

taught by them, otherwise we are sure to do them, as well as

ourselves, great injustice. The history of Occultism bears out

the fact that there is very little that is new to the present


The arrangement and classification of thought differs during each

cycle of time on the different spirals, and, like the fruitage on

lower rounds of Nature's progressive wheel of destiny, variety

and quality are diverse, so, likewise, do we find the mental

manifestations. This age, however, is blessed with a great

variety and abundance of thought, in clear-cut language, that

should enlighten the races of the Earth with Mother Nature's

modus operandi in every department of human thought.

We hope these chapters will aid to this end, and doubtless many

students will find in them the key to unlock the mysteries veiled

in symbol and hieroglyphic by ancient writers. The author's

object has been to make plain and easy of understanding these

subjects. Much, however, has been left for private study and

research, for many large volumes might be filled if a detailed

description of each subject were entered upon, which task is left

for those who feel so inclined. A rich reward is in store for

those spiritual investigators who will follow out the paths and

lines herein mapped out on Spiritual Astrology, Alchemy, and

other subjects. Meditation and aspiration will open up hidden

treasures that will prove a boon to Occult students, for

Astrology and Alchemy are the two grand sciences that explain the

why and reasons for what we see and experience on every plane of

life. In this age there should be no concealing of these Divine

truths. We cannot hide anything in the air, and for this reason

the Sun in Aquarius will unearth and reveal to man all that the

present cycle has to give during the Sun's passage through this

airy sign.

The watery sign, Pisces, through which the Sun manifested during

the past 2,160 years, gave up to man their secret powers and

hidden attributes in steam as a motive power, which man has

completely mastered. He will likewise master the airy forces

during the present sub-cycle of the Sun in Aquarius. Already we

see him using liquid air and compressed air as a motive power,

which will gradually take the place of steam as the Sun gets

farther into the sign, or constellation, of Aquarius. Men will

become immensely wiser than they have been, and it is to be hoped

they will leave the written record of their achievements in

science and art to show to future races their status of mind on

every subject for the edification and enlightenment of coming


Our ancestors were denied this great privilege. Consequently

their wisdom is only symbolized to us in a way that it is

difficult to read and interpret correctly, yet we who have the

key to their symbols can read accurately the truth they wish to

convey, which stands out clearly to all capable of understanding

and interpreting symbolism and correspondence correctly. History

and Nature repeat themselves in every cycle of time; therefore

these forces and potentialities are natural to the sign through

which the Sun manifests. We can go backward or forward through

the Sun's Zodiac and read correctly the history of the hoary

past, as well as the present and future, by bearing in mind the

sign and cycle in manifestation at any given period. When the

proper time arrives, a work will be given to the world to prove

to mankind the law of cycles.

God is present in all ages and races, manifesting His love and

wisdom throughout infinite creations, and that He records, in His

own way, the most detailed record of any event which takes place,

thus giving to man a complete history of His works and will, for

man's enlightenment, so that he, too, may cooperate intelligently

with his God in every way that intelligence wills to manifest.

Prehistoric history is not blotted out from Nature's laboratory.

The Astral Book of Karmic evolution will one day reveal its

hidden treasures to a waiting world in such a manner as to

surprise and enlighten mankind as the recording angels give up

those gems of truth they have so jealously guarded for untold

cycles of time, simply because the time was not ripe for its


There is a time for everything, and when that time arrives all

past history of our planet's evolution will be written in an

intelligent manner for the illumination and education of man as

the masterpiece of the Living God. In this way man will worship

Deity and perfect his God-nature, even to Angel-hood.

If this volume of "The Light of Egypt" meets with the same

appreciation that was accorded the first volume, which has passed

through four editions, and is still growing in favor every day

(besides being translated into the French), the author will feel

that his efforts have not been wasted, and he trusts the race

will have been made better for having read his writings.

As this is his posthumous contribution to the world, the author

wishes, in this connection, to pay a debt of gratitude and

grateful recognition to his esteemed pupil and friend, Dr. Henry

Wagner, who has so generously published nearly all of his

writings. Without his aid and assistance we would not have been

able, of ourselves, to have given these works to the world.

Therefore, honor to whom honor is due.

Mrs. Belle M. Wagner has been chosen by the Masters as my

spiritual successor and representative of the Hermetic

Brotherhood of Luxor, and thus perpetuate the chain of outward

connection between those in the realm of the higher life with

those upon the outward plane.

She is our choice, and a most worthy one to take my place.

I make this statement in this connection for the benefit of my

pupils and Hermetic students generally, as I am being personated

by frauds and imposters, claiming to be Zanoni. Verbam sap.

It is my request that a fac-simile of my signature and symbol

accompany this preface.

Dictated by the author from the subjective plane of life (to

which he ascended several years ago) through the law of mental

transfer, well known to all Occultists, he is enabled again to

speak with those who are still upon the objective plane of life.

The additions found in this volume, not in the original

manuscripts, have been supplied in this manner. The two planes of

life, the objective and subjective, are scientific facts, no

longer disputed by well-informed minds, and the exchange of

thought will become almost universal among educated minds during

the present cycle. Hence great progress will come to the Earth

during the next 2,160 years, while the Sun manifests his glorious

influence through the symbol of the Man.

Thanking each and all who have aided in any way to give my

writings to the world, I am, in love and fraternal greetings,

ever yours. Omnia Vincit Veritas.


What study is more sublime, inspiring and profitable, in the

highest sense, than the "language of the stars"--those silent

monitors of the midnight sky, who reveal HIS WILL as secondary

causes in the administration of universal law? The science of the

stars is the Divine parent of all science.

The more earnest our study, the more recondite our research and

thorough our investigation of the "Science of the Stars," the

more fully shall we realize the truth of the teacher's words:

"Astrology is the key that opens the door to all occult

knowledge." It is the key that unlocks the mysteries of man's

being; his why, whence, whither. Within the temple of Urania lies

concealed the mystery of life. The indices are there, written by

the finger of the Infinite in the heavens above.

It is our privilege to make this language our own, and it should

be the earnest work of every true student of Nature to acquire a

right understanding and correct interpretation of these Divine

symbols. And, as thorough students of any language seek out the

derivation of words and expressions, search for the root, or stem

word, and its origin, so should the student of astrology, by

sincere desire and earnest study, seek to know the origin and

root of these starry words and complex expressions of the

"language of the stars."

The Sun, Moon and five planets[*] of our solar system are to us

symbols of the reflected and refracted rays of the triune

attributes of the great Central, Spiritual Sun: Life, Light and

Love, analogous to the three primary colors in Nature, which

become still further refracted into four secondary or

complementary colors, rays or attributes, the seven constituting

the active principles of Nature, the seven rays of the solar

spectrum, the seven notes of a perfect musical scale, there being

throughout a perfect correspondence, and all are but different

modes of vibration or activities of the Supreme Intelligence.

[*] Uranus and Neptune belonging to a higher octave.

And, as we know, the seven rays of color reflect an almost

infinite variety of tints, that, octave upon octave, are built

upon the seven natural tones in music, so, also, are these seven

active principles divided and subdivided into innumerable forms,

qualities and manifestations of the first trinity--Life, Light,

Love, life being the manifestation of the second two, love and

wisdom, which in turn are the dual expressions of the "One."

Upon the knowledge of these Divine truths Pythagoras built the

theory of the "music of the spheres." Let us pause and listen to

this celestial music.

Suns and their systems of planets sound forth the deep bass tones

and rich tenor, while angelic races take the silvery treble of

the Divine melody, octave upon octave, by more and ever more

ethereal system upon system, to the very throne of Deity--the

Infinite, Eternal source of Light, Life and Love. Let us learn,

through the knowledge of the stars, to attune our souls to

vibrate to the Divine harmony, so that we may take our places in

the celestial choir and blend our voices with those of the

celestial singers, chanting the Divine anthem: "We Praise Thee, O


To resume. If we would gain a correct knowledge of astral science

we should study astrology in its universal application, side by

side with its more intricate phase and the details, as manifested

upon the individual man and his material destiny.

Let us digress for a moment. The intellectual minds, the material

scientists, who cavil at the "science of the stars," declaring it

to be mere fortune-telling, consequently false, do but air their

ignorance of this most profound subject, not knowing that it

embraces and contains all sciences, all religions, that have ever

been or ever will be, comprises all history of every age, of

races, empires and nations; that it is the only true chronology,

and marks the destiny, not only of personal man on every plane,

but of the human family as a whole. All mythologies find their

explanation in this starry language, and every religion is

founded upon the movements of our solar system. The rise and fall

of empires and races of men are written in its pages.

To master as far as we are capable, and our limited space of life

here will permit, we must pursue the study in its broad sense, as

already stated, in the external application of the starry influx

and upon the interior planes of action from God to the mineral,

the mineral to man; aye, and man to the angel, finding in every

section a complete and perfect correspondence.

To master the alphabet should be the first step, whose vowels,

diphthongs and consonants are the planets and shining Zodiac. It

is very essential to clearly comprehend the action and reaction

of the planets upon the human organism, as an integral part of

the universal organism; ever remembering that the starry vowels,

in combination with the consonants, or Zodiac, form the infinite

expressions comprising the language of the starry heavens in

their threefold manifestation upon the external planes of life;

while the radiant constellations are the ideas which find

expression through this language, which is likewise a science,

accurate in its mathematical construction and perfect in

geometric proportion.

The student should ever bear in mind that astrology, like every

other science, is progressive. The underlying principles are

always the same. These are like the "laws of the Medes and

Persians," but the plane of action is constantly changing.

It is a well-established and indisputable truth that from the

Sun, the solar center of our system, is derived all force, every

power and variety of phenomena that manifests itself upon Mother

Earth. Therefore, when we remember that the solar parent passes

through one sign of his celestial Zodiac in 2,160 years, a

twelfth part of his orbit of 25,920 years, we see that from each

sign in turn he (the Sun) rays forth an influx peculiar to that

special sign; and, as there are no two signs alike in nature or

quality, hence the passage of the Sun from one sign into another

causes a change of polarity in planetary action, which can be

fully demonstrated and conclusively proven. It follows, as a

natural sequence, that the rules formulated and taught by

astrologers in reference to the plane of planetary influence in

one sub-cycle will not hold good in the next. To illustrate: In

the year 1881 the Sun passed from the sign Pisces into Aquarius,

thus beginning a new cycle of solar force. The human race has

entered upon a cycle in every respect differing in nature and

action from the past cycle of 2,160 years. The sign Aquarius is

masculine, electric, positive. It is intellectual in character,

scientific, philosophic, artistic, intuitive and metaphysical. It

is the sign of the Man. The truths of the past are becoming

etherealized. Our solar parent has scarcely crossed the threshold

of the sign Aquarius, and already we observe in many directions

the activities of the peculiar influx. True, it is but the first

flush of the dawn of a new era, the harbinger of a glorious day

to our race. In the light of this truth, ponder well on the

nature of the influx radiating from the solar center, each orb of

his shining family absorbing a different ray, or attribute, of

solar energy, corresponding to its own peculiar nature. The

Earth, in her annual passage about her solar parent, receives the

harmonious or discordant vibrations of this astral influx

according to the many angles she forms to the various planets.

We see, then, that the Earth is enveloped in an atmosphere, or

zone, of occult force we recognize as humane, mental, positive,

etc., acting and reacting upon the human family through the laws

of vibration in strict and exact ratio to its interior capacity

to receive and ability to externalize upon the material plane of

being. The results, as far as this stage of existence goes, will

be manifest as man vibrates harmoniously or otherwise to the

stellar cause.

The present sub-cycle producing an entirely different influence

to that of the past cycle, whose force was watery, magnetic and

feminine, causes a warring of elements, confusion and

uncertainty, until the old are displaced by the new conditions.

We should learn from these facts that it is folly to brand as

false and condemn as worthless the rules and formulas, and even

religious thought, of the past when we find upon careful

investigation and crucial tests their inadequacy to account for

present conditions. They were true in their cycle, and applied to

past conditions and states of mental development. But in this new

era, upon whose threshold we now stand, the vibrations become

more intense. Man's whole nature is being tuned to a higher key.

We must not forget that these cycles apply to the race in their

effect, and to the individual only as an integral part of the

whole. To illustrate. The sign Aquarius is an electrical,

positive, masculine influence, and will consequently manifest its

chief activities upon the masculine qualities of the human soul;

and to-day we have evidence of this in the gradual

enfranchisement of woman, arousing the positive attributes of her

nature in demanding equal rights with her brother, man, in the

political arena, as she has already done in the educational

field. The masculine portion of the race is becoming more

aggressive, mentally, asserting greater individuality,

independent thought and action. The intellect of the race is

being directed, however slowly, into scientific channels, while

the human soul is slowly awakening to a sense of a deathless

immortality and a desire for spiritual truth. It is slowly but

surely shaking off the yoke of an effete priesthood and the

fetters of superstition and tyranny.

Intelligent man talks of the new scientific and intellectual era

that has dawned upon the world; of the necessity for a new

religious system, based upon scientific truths, which can be

demonstrated, combined with the pure spiritual essence found in

all systems of religion; a religion with more spirituality and

less theology; a broader charity and less dogma, and deeper love

for God and man, its only creed.

We must now consider the astral influence of the cycle upon the

physical organism of mankind, and particularly of the Western

races, who are moving upon the upward arc of the cycle. It is

quite evident that a radical change must take place in the

physical form and constitution with the influx of more

intellectual, ethereal and spiritual vibrations. The organism

must become more refined and compact, a greater degree of

sensitiveness be attained, with a highly nervous system. The

forerunner of this superior organism is now apparent in the

numerous schools of physical culture and gymnasiums throughout

the land, the many articles and pamphlets on deep, rythmic

breathing disseminated among the people, and last, but not least,

the various schools of mental healing, etc. The masses look on

and wonder, while they exclaim: "What marvelous changes are

coming to the world!" but are utterly ignorant of the cause of

the mysterious change. To the student of Hermetic Philosophy

there is no mystery involved. He knows the cause, and confidently

watches for the effect.

Each one must seek to comprehend for himself, according to the

light he may receive, basing his premises upon the TRUE

PRINCIPLES of astrology, carefully noting the triune aspect of

planetary influence upon humanity, ever remembering that the Sun

and Moon are the great factors in human destiny, and that his

premises and conclusions must occupy the same plane. Having

acquired a knowledge of the science in its application to the

individual, take the broader field, or universal aspect, as it

applies to human races, and you will find the rise and fall of

nations, empires and families marked upon the celestial dial, and

in perfect accord with the influence of the Sun and planets upon

Mother Earth, in her various movements. And last, but most

important, seek with an earnest desire for truth to learn the

relation of those glittering constellations of the shining Zodiac

to the human soul and their influence in shaping its eternal

destiny. This will reveal the whole of involution and evolution

in a general sense.

A faithful, earnest and devout study of the "Science of the

Starry Heavens" will lead us on to other planes of thought,

relating to still more interior realms of knowledge than we

perhaps now dream of, and, in the words of the master: "A true

knowledge of the stars will include a true knowledge of the

soul," and we shall realize "the mystical link that binds the

soul to the stars." MINNIE HIGGIN.

