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To Vayu

Books: Sacred Books Of The East

Come hither, O Vayu, thou beautiful one! These Somas are ready, drink of

them, hear our call! O Vayu, the praisers celebrate thee with hymns,

they who know the feast-days, and have prepared the Soma. O Vayu, thy

satisfying stream goes to the worshipper, wide-reaching, to the

Soma-draught. O Indra and Vayu, these libations of Soma are poured out;

come hither for the sake of our offerings, for the drops of Soma long

for you. O Indra and Vayu, you perceive the libations, you who are rich

in booty; come then quickly hither! O Vayu and Indra, come near to the

work of the sacrificer, quick, thus is my prayer, O ye men! I call

Mitra, endowed with holy strength, and Varuna, who destroys all enemies;

who both fulfil a prayer accompanied by fat offerings. On the right way,

O Mitra and Varuna, you have obtained great wisdom, you who increase the

right and adhere to the right; These two sages, Mitra and Varuna, the

mighty, wide-ruling, give us efficient strength.

